Monday, November 1, 2010

Bombs on planes....

These Terrorists are numbskulls.

If they wanted to cause some disruption, other than the loss of some UPS parcels...

Anyway, they are numbskulls as they are going about things the wrong way.

They are jealous of the trappings of capitalism, have clearly not one ounce of relgionism in them any more.

If they are doing these things for religious reasons (unlikely - more likely they are just plain lunatics
with a distinct inability to lead a sansibel life) then they are specious at best and if they like giving a bad
rap to thier religion then they are bombing themselves in the foot.


Hope none of the bombs goes off.

Also MI6 etc. surely knew about all this as tip offs came in from somewhere....

They should take these guys out when they know who they are not just sit and watch and wait until something actually happens.

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