Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Next time you sit in front of the TV.....

"TV and compulsive TV watching, which sprouted in the 50's and became widespread by the 60's, has reduced many, adults and children alike, to spectator-observer roles. A further result is individuation. While the advent of movies may have had some influence on this scene, with movies you at least have to get out of the house and go down to the movie and you usually go with somebody. When you come out of the movie you generally talk to somebody about it. Not so with TV. With TV you get the lone and silent TV-watcher who cannot be interrupted and whose ‘communication,' if he is interrupted is often an absent-minded or resentful grunt. He goes nowhere, does not mingle, does not participate because the pictures and the action are all brought to him, to look at. With a movie you've got a beginning, you've got an end. TV often goes on ceaselessly, throughout the day and night..." - L. Ron Hubbard

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